The information, that our beloved ROMINA, who we used to called “ROMEK” has passed away, I am writing with a broken heart. It happened very sudden, but the sickness must have been killing her much earlier (liver or pancreas). It showed up a day before her death, when there was nothing that could have been done. ROMINA was a daughter of a great 2xCWC NARKOZA GORALKA z Banciarni FCI and 2xCWC LIDER GAZDA z Banciarni FCI. She was continuing – as I call it- “black faction” of PON’s. In our kennel we have her daughter black-silver Ch.Pl OSTREWKA BACOWA. It’s a faction of long-living dogs – ROMINA’s mother has passed away in the age of 17 and 1,5 months, so ROMINA’s death really is very unexpected and shocking. She was one of this lively energetic dogs, so the emptiness feels even bigger. I miss her a lot…