On January 22, 2025, my beloved dog IDYLLA BACÓWA Banciarnia FCI passed away to the other world

The worst notifications in events… My beloved dog, CH. PL. IDYLLA BACÓWA Banciarnia FCI, left us on January 22, 2025, at the age of 14.5 years. It’s not a short time, but I wished for more… Unfortunately, she had been battling gallbladder, pancreas, and adrenal gland inflammation for the past two years. She was on a special diet, took medication, and for over two years, things were fine. But sadly, the good times came to an end, and a fight for her life began—a fight we ultimately lost. Still, she lived with us for a long time and was a wonderful dog without whom our home will not be poorer, but it will certainly be sadder. She was exceptional, wise, and deeply loved. I already miss her.

Posted in Events.