At the age of 11.5 years taken from us Siberian Husky FIGA from Banciarnia


FIGA will no longer lead together with CIAPEK our sled anymore, she will no longer cuddle up to us in her dedicated gentleness…

On September 20th our beloved Siberian Husky FIGA z Banciarni (F; CIAPEK z Banciarni M: BURZA z Banciarni ) has passed away. She has been leading our sled together with her father CIAPEK for a past few years. Fast and obedient, used to assist CIAPEK and help him when only there was a need. Mated with our dog ELDORADO z Banciarni, she gave a birth to 1 litter of 5 puppies. 4 of them became a sled dogs : ORKA – have stayed in our kennel and overtook FIGA’s place in a sled, second girl is running with Grzegorz Jękner. 2 boys – ODYS and OLIWERO have been running with the late Grzegorz Podbielkowski. They have stayed with his family.

For the past few years FIGA was on a well-earned retirement, but we could see she hasn’t been enjoying this kind of life…

She passed suddenly…unexpectedly…

Posted in Events.