On May 8th 2019 our Ch. Pl, DA, PRA free(N/N) OSTREWKA BACÓWA z Banciarnia FCI (F: Ch. Pl BAJER BACA z Banciarni FCI M: 2 x CWC ROMINA GAŹDZINA z Banciarni FCI) gave birth to 4 puppies. The father is Mł Ch. Pl, DA, PRA free parents ECHO JUHAS Banciarnia FCI (F: GRAJOTKO Wataha Fuksa M: Ch. Pl IDYLLA BACÓWA z Banciarni FCI). There is 1 pinto girl with almost short tail and 3 boys: 2 black and 1 black-white with long tails. Puppies are big and strong, mom is happy.
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