On the night 26/27th of January our CH. PL DA, PRA-free OSTREWKA BACOWA z Banciarni FCI (F: Ch. Pl. BAJER BACA z Banciarni FCI M: 2 x CWC ROMINA GAŹDZINA z Banciarni FCI) gave birth to free puppies. The father is young 4 x CWC. DA. ZACNY z Armii Zbawienia (F:Mł. Ch. PL., Ch. Pl. AGAT LIPNIK z Jurajskiego Źródła M: Ch. Pl. UFNA UNI z Armii Zbawienia). There were 4 puppies born: 3 pinto black and white boys and one black girl – and exact copy of her mom, along with naturally short tail. Mother had to work very hard while giving birth but she recovered fast.